संज्ञा • Taro | |
एक: a 1 ace unity unit oneness one theromegatherm | |
तनारहित: acaulescent stemless | |
पौधा: plant chit spear bine rooter outgrowth offset | |
जिसका: which de qui purporting to be whose | |
मूल: radix source substance sum text beginning bottom | |
पदार्थ: material predicament ground subject matter | |
है: avoir is have | |
प्रशांत: flat calm quiescent restless self-possessed | |
प्रशांत महासागरीय: pacific Pacific | |
महासागरीय: oceanic pelagic | |
में: within by between afield among IN amidst into in | |
एक तनारहित पौधा जिसका मूल भोज्य पदार्थ होता है - मुख्यत: प्रशांत महासागरीय द्वीपों में अंग्रेज़ी में
[ ek tanarahit paudha jisaka mul bhojya padartha hota hai - mukhyat: prashamta mahasagariya dvipom mem ]